Photo of Worcester Plinth Swift Drift Sculpture

Introducing ‘Swift Drift’, a sculpture by local artist Juliet Mootz on The Worcester Plinth.  Her Reparative Land Art aims to benefit wildlife using natural materials. After display, the woven willow swifts will scatter across Worcester, filled with wildflower seeds to support local bugs and birds.

Crafted for The Worcester Plinth, ‘Swift Drift’ celebrates Worcester’s swifts, created by Juliet in partnership with Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, supported by Worcester City Council. The piece highlights the declining swift population and encourages community support. The sculpture will prompt discussions and awareness around safeguarding these birds.

Oliver Carpenter of The Worcester Plinth elaborates on the project, emphasizing the role of community organizations and the support from Worcester City Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund. After the exhibition, the sculpture will disperse, contributing to new habitats and food sources for local wildlife.

‘Swift Drift’ is the sixth sculpture on The Worcester Plinth, showcasing the collaboration between artists and local charities to raise awareness and support their work. Previous installations have found permanent homes across Worcester, contributing to the city’s cultural landscape. For more information on how to get involved in the Worcester Plinth visit the social media link or email Oliver.

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