Single cover for TV Yellow by Emma Howett

Emma Howett’s latest release TV Yellow transports you, guides and carries you, swaying securely through reminiscence and promise. Drifting to smoke filled bars, pianos and late summer nights and yellow tinted light, seems to capture in sound a far away gaze.

TV Yellow wraps you in a blanket of warm harmonies, lyrics leading through well crafted phrases, a song with both structure and story. The retro mellow of a Gibson guitar’s sleek sheen, soothing and luring you, slipping through time zones and emotions.

Emma Howett’s voice has an intimacy, like the whisper in an ear, a gentle passion, a soft punk sound of Hazel O’Connor soothing, luring and then building into a full pop sound which is rich and memorable.

TV Yellow by Emma Howett

If you want to indulge in a melodic journey, to timeless moments of loves reflections then do check this out, TV Yellow is the first single from her EP due out in March, play it in the sunshine and late into the early hours, for me it’s layers and genuinely gifted arrangement makes it a definite repeat play!

By: Juliet Mootz

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