Album cover for Torches by Liars at the Witch Trial

Due for release on 31st March, Torches is the first full length album release from Birmingham based duo, Liars at the Witch Trial.

All 8 tracks are written by the duo themselves, Kate Walton and Adam Wakefield, and the album was recorded at Circle Studios with Dave McCabe of DMC Recording.

The post-punk / alt rock band performed at last year’s Worcester Music Festival, have performed at Drummonds for Uncover and are regulars on the Birmingham scene.

Torches by Liars at the Witch Trial

Opening track “I should’ve known” wastes no time in throwing us the vocals of Kate, a grungey rock tone, on top of a catchy guitar riff and the drum beat of second member Adam. Second track “Blinded by the Light” shows a more bluesy side to Kate’s voice in the verses, and again, her guitar melody builds beneath the lyrics with energy matching the background beat. “No Clue” offers a rockier track, and really shows what is possible from a 2-piece band, with a very impressive outro.

“Nowhere to Run” is a tale about being stuck with the decision you’ve made, the time has passed to sell your soul, a lilting, ambling track which seems to flow into the next track “House on the Hill” as if a lyrical story is being told, as now we are invited to face our fears. Kate’s voice floats in this track, and her guitar struts alongside the relentless drums which hold the pace throughout.

Title track and single , “Torches”, packs a punch vocally and with tempo changes, and layered vocals in the chorus, and yearning tune for someone who guides the way in hard times.

“Mirrors” is an uptempo cacophony of melodies playing alongside each other, and really throws the box of what genre these guys sit in, wide open.

Closing track “Law of the Land” has a whining guitar intro and toe tapping beat for over a minute before vocals hit, with a catchy melody and repetitive lyrics that get stuck inside your head.

An impressive offering for a first album, each track comes in at over three minutes, and all are produced to a solid level of perfection. Their sound can’t be pigeon holed, and its refreshing to hear songs not all about love and heartbreak, but more life choices and decisions. Intrigued to see these play live to see how the songs translate on stage.

By: Kate Ford

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