During lockdown, Development Services at Bromsgrove and Redditch Councils have been helping residents stay active and creative online via their HOME project. HOME is a place for people to share ideas and stay connected, featuring a range of creative activities and resources, as well as lots of digital content around staying healthy during lockdown. New themed material from partners, instructors, Council officers and the public is going up each week, including this lovely recording of the third movement from Vivaldi’s Summer, arranged and recorded at home by daughter and father duo Charlotte and Alastair Moseley. Development Services are keen to promote all the different active and creative things people are up during lockdown – and also to develop ideas in partnership, such as the Memories of Home initiative with the Redditch Local History Society. If you would like to get involved with HOME, please e-mail Arts Development Stewart Sanderson at stewart.sanderson@bromsgroveandredditch.gov.uk.