Photo of inda Mather
Book cover of The Perfect House For Murder by Linda Mather
The Perfect House For Murder by Linda Mather

Bromsgrove resident and seasoned crime novelist Linda Mather draws inspiration from tranquil canal-side reflections.

Nestled alongside the serene, mirror-like waters, an idyllic row of cottages projects an image of perfect serenity. It’s a scene that exudes peace and pastoral beauty, seemingly immune to the darkness of the world. However, the discovery of a woman’s lifeless body nearby shatters this picturesque façade. Jo, a private investigator with a unique astrological insight, becomes resolute in her quest for the truth. Seeking guidance from her former mentor, Macy, she embarks on her maiden solo investigation. As Jo delves deeper, the list of suspects multiplies, casting doubt on everyone she encounters.

This captivating narrative unfolds in “The Perfect House For Murder”, the sixth instalment in the Jo & Macy Murder Mystery series, penned by Linda Mather, a proud Bromsgrove author.

Although originally hailing from Wallasey, Cheshire, Linda has called Bromsgrove home for nearly two decades. Her passion for writing has been a constant throughout her life, from typing out stories on an old typewriter as a teenager to serving as the arts editor for her university newspaper, nurturingher dream of becoming a journalist. In 2021, she made the bold decision to shift to full-time authorship. Along her writing journey, she discovered her affinity for crafting crime fiction, particularly stories imbued with an aura of darkness and hidden secrets.

The Jo and Macy Mysteries series unfolds in the evocative landscapes of the West Midlands and Cotswolds. Linda places a high premium on the sense of place in her narratives, immersing herself in her research by visiting the locales to capture their unique atmospheres and seamlessly weave these details into her stories. Her latest work, “The Perfect House For Murder,” takes inspiration from the canals near Stoke Prior.

Linda reminisces, “The idea for my latest book came to me in lockdown during many canal walks.  Everything looks so pretty and perfect that it looks as if nothing bad could ever happen there. I saw that as a challenge.”

In addition to her newest release, Linda’s oeuvre includes “Forecast Murder,” “A Sign for Murder,” “Murder as Predicted,” “The Hanged Man,” and “A Future Murder” in the Jo & Macy Mystery series. She has recently inked a deal for a three-book police thriller series set in the New Forest and is actively working on the first installment. Furthermore, Linda has exciting plans for the next installment of the Jo & Macy Mystery series.

“The Perfect House for Murder” marks the sixth compelling chapter in the Jo & Macy Mystery series, proudly published by Joffe Books, and all of Linda’s literary creations are readily available on Amazon or Waterstones.

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