EP cover of Chemistry by Sean Jeffery

Sean Jeffery is a singer/songwriter from Worcester, who has been writing songs for most of his life. Spurred on after borrowing a friends Yamaha synthesiser in the 1980s , Sean began writing music which eventually led to learning to play guitar and inevitably gigging with a variety of bands in the late 1990s, including his own bands Epsilon Red and Hitchhiker. Three years ago, Sean launched himself as a full time solo artist and had been actively writing, recording and gigging, until the world came to a halt.

Friday 24th July sees the release of Sean’s single, “Chemistry“, a song that was born to add pace and variety to his impressive back catalogue of solo work, as the tracks already building up his bandcamp profile were more mid to slow paced. So, this lively little track steps up to take the reigns and slot nicely into the upbeat tempo category. The fast pace certainly catapults you straight into a polished and professional sounding track from the second it starts, as the first verse throws up questions of identity and cultural difference. The track delves into the musings of Richard Dawkins and Charles Darwin,and looks into a theory that DNA is not a blueprint, but simply a recipe. A groovy downturn in rhythm takes this song into its chorus before ramping back up to take on a second chorus shining a light on extinction and evolution, which is apt as the song itself evolves as Sean’s vocals take on an impressive higher pitch before we are flung back to familiar ground with regards to the melody.

From watching various live streams Sean has performed, mostly for charities close to his heart throughout the lockdown, I have learnt that his solo tracks are some of the most creative, inventive and intricate pieces of work around at the moment. After a few plays of “Chemistry“, the main lyrics and backbone of the tune get stuck in your head, which shows it is the perfect blueprint for a catchy, sing along single. The overall track sounds complex and cleverly put together, various musical sounds are layered on top of each other expertly to add a depth of sound, with backing vocals stirred into the mix too.

Sean’s musical influences are varied, from Rush, through to Muse, The Jam, Travis and Kate Bush. Although with no desire to emulate any of these, Sean simply draws influence and inspiration from music in all forms to create his own distinctive sound, and his drive, passion and love of what he does translates into the quality of track he is able to produce. Having been featured on BBC Introducing on Hereford and Worcester previously, this single is ready to take over the air waves.

The Chemistry EP that includes the title track is available from bandcamp or Sean directly.

By: Kate Ford

Find out more about Sean Jeffery

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