Photo of Lizzie Rodriguez

Lizzie Rodriguez, in collaboration with the Worcester Snoezelen Centre, has crafted PRISM, a dynamic and colourful sculpture unveiled on The Worcester Plinth. This art piece, funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund through Worcester City Council, seeks to encapsulate the Snoezelen environment’s vibrancy and joy.

According to Oliver Carpenter from The Worcester Plinth, PRISM marks the initiation of a series of three sculptures involving local charities and artists, offering a unique platform for charities to communicate their mission. The project has enabled widespread community involvement and support for Lizzie Rodriguez’s vision to infuse colour, movement, and light into the heart of Worcester. The funding for these sculptures comes from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund allocated to Worcester City Council.

Jane Roberts, Chief Officer of Worcester Snoezelen, expresses pride in the unique nature of their centre, celebrating 30 years of development. The Plinth sculpture mirrors the sensory centre, the diverse colours of its members, and the charity’s unified approach to promoting sensory happiness. The sculpture features a thousand ribbons, contributed by members, carers, families, staff, and trustees, creating a mesmerizing display in response to the imaginative and talented artistry of Lizzie Rodriguez.

As the fifth commissioned sculpture on The Worcester Plinth, PRISM will grace the riverside for approximately eight weeks before finding a permanent home in the Worcester Snoezelen’s sensory garden. The commitment of The Worcester Plinth team ensures that all commissioned works have enduring homes, allowing them to be cherished for years to come. Previous sculptures from the project can be found on permanent display at locations such as the Fish Pass at Diglis, a school in St Johns, and a private residence in Worcester.

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